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Free Play

9am -10.00am

When children arrive at the setting the children are able to enjoy free play whereby they choose the activities that interest them. 

Benefits: Promotes independence and allows children to enjoy the start of their day

Circle Time

10.15am -10.30am

Circle time is a time where children will learn as a group, led by member of staff. Often our themes of the week will be discussed, we introduce children todays of the week, the weather..

Benefits: Promotes independence and allows children to enjoy the start of their day

Snack Time

10.30am - 11am

Circle time is a time where children will learn as a group, led by member of staff. Often our themes of the week will be discussed, we introduce children todays of the week, the weather..

Benefits: Promotes independence and allows children to enjoy the start of their day

Outdoor Play

11am - 11.30am

Circle time is a time where children will learn as a group, led by member of staff. Often our themes of the week will be discussed, we introduce children todays of the week, the weather..

Circle Time

11.30am - 12:00pm

During the last 30 minutes children enjoy activities such as singing, story time.

Benefits: Promotes language, listening and speaking skills

Circle Time

10.15am -10.30am

Circle time is a time where children will learn as a group, led by member of staff. Often our themes of the week will be discussed, we introduce children todays of the week, the weather..

Benefits: Promotes independence and allows children to enjoy the start of their day

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